Monday 20 May 2024

University of Barcelona School of Economics: May 2024

On 15th May 2024, we were delighted to present our paper 'Temporality and Virtual Organisations in Business History', to a packed room of the School of Economics at Universitat de Barcelona.

Drawing upon our published work, we explained how the study of historic sport mega projects allows for the enrichment and improved understanding for the fields of project management studies as well as for business, management and economic history.

We each presented for thirty minutes, in other words an hour-long presentation, to outline our ideas and explain some of the concepts and frameworks developed and refined from our own studies.

We also found time to explore the University district which was a five minute walk from the Barcelona FC neighbourhood. This was an amazing time to be in the area, as the famous Campo Non stadium is renovated and modernised.  Surrounded by cranes, this was a golden opportunity to witness Barcelona's famous stadium under such a scale of development, and we were able to take photos to share with our readers.

Sadly, the famous La Masia Academy, where so many stars such as Lionel Messi, were developed, was also shut and off-limits.  We hope that is has new life breathed into it soon, and believe that it should be preserved as an important heritage site.

Of course, we also made time to experience the 'La Rambla Del Barca', the street packed with Barcelona FC shops, restaurants and the museum (currently in abbreviated form). This area outside of the stadium had a real buzz about it, but shall also be cleared to make way for a new walkway and facilities.

As historians of football clubs, administration and broadly speaking their 'business', the museum was of particular interest. Many fascinating items were contained within, spanning the entire history of the club from its formation, the Spanish civil war, world wars, and the post-Cruyff era to the present day. The below images really just scratch the surface of what you can expect to find. Needless to say, the trophy collection alone requires its own large room.   The collections include mens and womens football as well as handball, basketball, and any others sports that the club has been represented at.

On our final night we were treated to a walk around historic Barcelona, taking in Las Ramblas, and famous buildings such as a house designed by Gaudi.  The importance of sport to the people of Barcelona is perhaps best summarised by the inclusion of the FC Barcelona club badge in this stained glass window of the Santa María del Mar church (middle panel, bottom row):

We wish to thank our hosts at the School of Economics at Universitat de Barcelona, especially to Tomas Fernandez De Sevilla Mansanet, for inviting us.  Please check out his superb publications on the business and sporting history of FC Barcelona, especially his recent paper in Management and Organizational History, of which he is probably the best scholar on the topic.

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