Wednesday 12 June 2024

Latest Publication: 'Conceptualising historical project studies – A complementary partnership' in the International Journal of Project Management

We are pleased to announce our latest paper, in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Project Management Issue 42 (May 2024) on the topic 'Essays on Projects and Their Organisation' edited by Graham Winch of Alliance Business School, Manchester.


  • The history of projects together with the interdisciplinary focus of project studies provides an opportunity for the utilization of historical research

  • Existing project histories tend to be teleological in focus and lack historical context

  • We provide a framework for the application of historical research methods based on archives

  • Thinking historically unlocks the meso study of project context

  • A process is explicated to demonstrate how historical investigation can contribute to theoretical novelty

The paper is available to those with access to the journal, from:

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